The title that would best describe the concept of IoT (Internet of Things) would be: “Everything connected!”. Almost any physical object can be converted to an IoT device, if it can be connected to the Internet to control or communicate information. Connecting all these different objects and adding sensors to them adds a level of digital intelligence to devices, allowing them to communicate data in real time.
The most important? With the IoT platform, each connected object acquires its digital existence. Collecting data from them allows us to gather information, make timely decisions, automate processes, and more. Gradually, we can integrate networked objects into Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Systems. Thus, information becomes catalysts for continuous improvement and maximization of efficiency and adequacy of resources in the production process.
A light bulb that can be turned on via a smartphone app is an IoT device, as well as a motion sensor or smart thermostat in your office or a connected traffic light, an electronic precision screwdriver, or even an irrigation system in a field. On an even larger scale, sensors are being placed in smart city projects to help us understand and control the environment. The Internet of Things makes our surroundings smart and interactive, connecting the digital with the physical world.